I first posed this question in a post published in 2014. At the time, I framed it as “not such a crazy question” given the growing criticism of higher education as well as the emergence of myriad options for self-directed learning and the rise of alternative forms of credentialing. Roll forward six years, and the […]
Amplifying the Power of “A””
Recently a colleague who works for a learning platform company wrote to me with a question about how the role of associations in the market for lifelong learning is perceived. Specifically, he asked, Why do you think associations aren’t mentioned as often in the broader conversation about lifelong learning/continuing education/re-skilling workforce/college-to-job gap/knowledge economy? And he […]
Associations and the Market for Lifelong Learning
I posted this a few places back in the spring – it’s from the Tagoras Leading Learning Spring Summit – but it occurred to me recently that it really should be posted here as as well. A brief overview of why trade and professional associations can and should dominate the market for lifelong learning. (Many, […]
Nice Association Use of YouTube
I recently spoke with Michael Hess at the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute about how his organization is using social media. Michael mentioned that they were introducing a series of videos on YouTube to support the PACK EXPO, their big annual event. I think they are doing a very nice job of it and creating an […]
The Decision Not To Attend
A couple of days ago I made my first conscious decision not to attend a conference. I’m not going to say which conference, as my point here is not to bash anyone. But I do think the context and the reasons for my decisions are relevant to readers here on Hedgehog & Fox. First of […]
Association E-learning Report Released
Just a brief post to note that Association E-learning: State of the Sector has been officially released. We (Celisa Steele and I) have been working on this since October. As far as we know, it is the most comprehensive piece of research out there right now on the state of e-learning in the association sector. […]