Collecting links and filing them away in my e-mail box, or Twitter stream, or Delicious account is one of the key ways I find ideas and build knowledge in topic areas that interest me. I’m a bit of a hoarder, though – I don’t tend to share the link love as actively as I might. […]
How to win volunteers and influence society
When the hotel where you are staying asks you to re-use the towels in your bathroom, what do most people tend to do, and why? Dr. Robert Cialdini has some interesting answers. Cialdini literally wrote the book on influence a decade or so ago on, and that book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, continues to, […]
Influence and Learning
Several years ago while attending the annual conference of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation (now the Leader to Leader Institute), I had the good fortune to hear psychologist Robert Cialdini speak about the psychology of influence. As someone focused on the use of online learning technologies by mission-driven organizations, I have felt ever since that […]