I’ve had the title for this post bouncing around in my mind for quite some time now, but two recent, (previously) unconnected sources of inspiration prompted me to write more about it. The first was my reflections on an event we’ve launched as part of our evolving strategy at my company, Tagoras. The Leading Learning […]
The Work of Learning
As educational content becomes a more and more of a commodity, it’s more important than ever to remember that access does not equal learning. Hordes of people have accessed MOOCs. Few of them finish. And even fewer of them engage with the courses in a way that results in lasting learning. As enticing as it […]
A simple rule to thrive by: apply learning immediately
Ever read a book and found as little as a few weeks later that you can barely remember a single key idea from the book? Or attended a conference and struggled to remember the following year whether you attended it or not – much less whether you actually learned anything? Or led your organization through […]
The Strategy-Learning Loop
In simplest terms, strategy is the means by which we travel from a current state to a future desired state. The realization of strategy is, by necessity, a learning journey. Strategy presupposes that there are things we know, but also that there is a great deal we do not know. It gives us a framework […]
Purpose, Strategy, Learning
In my day-to-day work I focus a great deal on concepts like strategy and learning at the organizational and market levels. Over time, I have also become increasingly interested in how these concepts, in combination with an overall sense of purpose, apply at the personal level. “Strategy,” in particular, is intriguing at the personal level. […]
The answer is yes (thoughts on the value of fiction)
I am in the midst of Ian McEwan’s Atonement – a long overdue read – and I was struck by the following passage relatively early in the book. It unfolds inside the mind of Briony, the precocious 13-year old girl at the center of the story, and reflects her developing realization of the difficulties of […]