Virtual worlds. After generating a great deal of buzz a year or two ago, interest in them seemed to fade considerably, or even turn downright negative. Work on virtual world platforms has marched steadily on, however, and the number of users has continued to rise. In a session I led with colleague Hal Richman at […]
7 Virtual World Essentials for Meeting Planners
I’ve finally had a minute to check out a brief white paper from Clever Zebra titled Virtual Worlds: The Essential 7 Point Quick Start for Meetings Professionals (registration required). While I take issue with Clever Zebra’s view that “World of Warcraft is not a Virtual World,” the paper does offer some good, brief insights into […]
Taking Games Seriously
I recently wrote an article about serious games that will appear in the first volume of WE , a new Internet magazine. By games I mean the type of high-tech online and console-based interactivity represented by World of Warcraft or Nintendo’s highly-popular Wii. By “serious” games, I mean these same types of games, but intended […]