Collecting links and filing them away in my e-mail box, or Twitter stream, or Delicious account is one of the key ways I find ideas and build knowledge in topic areas that interest me. I’m a bit of a hoarder, though – I don’t tend to share the link love as actively as I might. With this post, I’m going to start the habit of doing a round up every Friday and sharing links that relate to the types of things I write about here on the blog. Enjoy.
What Internet Marketers Know That You Don’t
John Jantsch knocks it our of the park with this post. The title refers to those somewhat slimy characters who use landing pages packed with bold type, highlighting, and “But wait, there’s more!”-type language. The thing is, those people know an awful lot about successfully attracting and converting prospects. As John argues, all marketers have a thing or two to learn from them.
7 Social Psychology Studies to Help You Convert Prospects into Paying Customers
If you don’t have a good grip on the psychology of influence and persuasion at this point, you are running behind. This post from Copyblogger will give you a jumpstart. Be sure, also, to read Robert Cialdini’s classic Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion as well as the Heath Brothers’ Made to Stick.
Million Dollar Consulting® Accelerant Curve
Even if you are not a consultant, you need to be familiar with Alan Weiss’ “accelerant curve” concept. I’ve written about the accelerant curve over on the Tagoras blog before and I use it routinely with clients. Don’t let its simplicity fool you – this is one of the most powerful tools there is for rationalizing your product strategy and pricing.
Four Secrets to Selling More
I’ve included two links from the Harvard Business Review Blog Network this time because some valuable sales advice has popped up there lately. I agree with this one wholeheartedly, particularly the advice on perspectives on customer support and prices
The Most Important Predictor of Sales Success
Is it charisma? Being a “people person?” No, it’s a trait that, arguably, anyone leading a business or a line of business ought to have. (Of course I’m not going to tell you what it is here. Click that link!)
7 Big Marketing Mistakes
Not only do you want to know what to do when it comes to marketing, you also want to know what not to do. Geoffrey James provide some solid tips and also touches on the intersection between sales and marketing.
The best way to learn marketing
Somehow Seth Godin always manages to get the last word (and often the first as well). There’s no fat in this post – it simply cuts right to the heart of the protests I often hear from clients: “But I am not a marketer!” These days, everyone has to be a marketer, and there is only one sure way to learn.
There you have it. If you like these, please share this post with others.
P.S. – Follow me on Twitter if you want to get more links like this on a daily bais.