As part of my day job I’ve had the opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) for the past few days, and as might be expected, have done so with an eye to the vital signs of online learning in the association community. I am glad to report […]
Web 2.0-In Plain English
I’m going to let most of what follows speak for itself because, well, it does. These are four videos produced by Common Craft that provide brief introductions to four common Web 2.0 technologies: social bookmarking, social networking, RSS, and wikis. And, of course, the videos themselves—in this case made available at Mission to Learn via […]
Web 2.0-Open Source Association
I happened to notice recently in an e-mail update from the Association Forum of Chicagoland that an association wiki project has been launched—actually a range of projects that have, understandably, yet to coalesce into the cohesive presence represented by more mature Web 2.0 destinations like Wikipedia. While the content of the wiki is rather thin […]
E-learning Tools and Strategy
I noticed a little late that the “Big Question” on the Learning Circuits blog this month is “Choosing Tools?” Although it is now August, I thought I’d still take a bit of time to chime in. Specifically, the Learning Circuits post states: As compared to ten years ago when there were roughly four major authoring […]
Online Learning: What Can It Deliver
I recently became familiar with a report issued in March by dgCommunities, a project of the Development Gateway Foundation, titled Online Education: What Can It Deliver. The “report” is primarily a collection of insights and opinions from various leaders in the international effort to bring information and communications technology (ICT) to the developing world, but […]
Online Learning Usage in the Nonprofit Sector
In May, GuideStar, one of the best resources around for data about the nonprofit sector, asked its audience "Have you ever participated in on-line learning offered by a nonprofit?" More than half (53 percent), said they had not, while 44 percent said they had. Cost effectiveness and convenience were cited among the other reasons that […]