I work with a lot of clients who are focused on doing things like re-designing their Web sites, creating new sales collateral, improving search engine optimization, or diving into social media. These activities all have their place, and for most organizations, are essential for long-term success.
9 out of 10 times, though, there is a much simpler move the client could make that would have dramatically more impact on the bottom line both now and in the long term: pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone and call your best prospects and customers. Offer them something of value – free. It doesn’t have to be something big. Just something that is meaningful to them. You’ll find out what the something is as part of the conversation. You almost certainly already have something that fits the bill.
And if you aren’t sure who your best customers and prospects are, this exercise will force you to figure it out. To make the list that you need to work your way through. It’s one of the most valuable things you will ever do for your business.
Now, I am betting that for many people, this is a daunting, possibly a scary prospect. I’m a died-in-the-wool introvert myself, so it certainly isn’t comfortable territory for me. But there are really few things that are more effective.
We tend to fall back on activities like tweaking the Web site, or improving SEO, or signing up for the latest social media tool because these feel valuable – and they often are – but also because they feel safe. We do them, for the most part, at arm’s length from actual clients or members.
It’s a new year. Time to drop the safety net, roll up your sleeves – and pick up the phone.
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