You could rack up a pile of debt attending a top notch MBA program and then try to land a job in a classic product management position somewhere like Proctor & Gamble
Or, you could fork over thousands to an Internet marketing “guru” like Jeff Walker to get access to his formula.
Or you could buy Dave & Naomi’s book. (Which at $97 really is a bargain.)
But why not just learn for free?
Study Aid 1
The guy over there to the left is Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger. If you want to learn how to launch a product successfully, it would be hard to beat simply studying him closely in his native habitat – the Web.
And you can do this for free.
Study Aid 2
Currently, I’m most concerned with what Brian is doing with Teaching Sells, which at the moment is in stealthy, pre-launch, lots-of-great-stuff-for-free mode, but I should back up for a minute to where I first came across Brian. It wasn’t even on Copyblogger, which now sports an enviable subscriber base of 73K+ in its Feedburner ticker.
No, where I found Brian was in my native habitat – online learning. Brian helped launch the Articulate Rapid E-learning blog and take it from 0 to 6000+ subscribers in a single day. Subscriptions are now north of 40K and the blog and its launch have become a standard case study in my presentations about doing business on the new Web.
I found the Articulate blog before I found Brian, but it didn’t take me long to discover who was behind the launch, and I’ve been on Brian’s trail ever since.
Study Aid 3
Which brings me to Teaching Sells.
When Brian, with the Articulate triumph in his pocket, announced that he was launching a site that would teach people how to create and market successful, revenue-producing learning communities…well, I was intrigued.
But intrigued is one thing. Actually forking over the $197 (if I remember right) that Brian and his partner Tony wanted for a charter membership was another.
Articulate alone would not have done it for me. But Brian provided so much more. First of all, Copyblogger in itself represented a wealth of information. I’m a subscriber to this day.
And on top of that, Teaching Sells offered up some really valuable content before so much as a penny was asked of potential members. Wow – hadn’t encountered that before.
I started to feel like Brian was a trustworthy guy who was willing to give plenty to make sure it was clear he knew what he was talking about. In fact, I felt like the Teaching Sells community he offered promised knowledge I simply would not be able to get anywhere else.
Hmm…what a great value proposition for a member community.
Study Aid 4
And so, I plunked down my money, and here I am today – a passionate member of the Teaching Sells tribe. And like many other passionate members, I am now evangelizing you on the prospect of joining.
That, ladies and gentleman, is A+ material in the world of product launches.
And the fact is, you can stop there if you want to. Take what you have read here. Take the highly valuable free materials that Brian is offering over at the Teaching Sells site. Digest it all, and go forth and prosper. You almost certainly will.
Study Aid 5
If you want more excellent content. If you want a community of peers to support you as you venture forth. If you want additional input from Brian himself. In short, if you want a complete road map and support system for building a successful, revenue-producing online learning product offering (!), I’d recommend you get over to the Teaching Sells site up for early bird notification of the official re-launch (you will have the chance once you register at the site). In the meantime, you will receive – absolutely for free – the following great content:
- A 22-page report Forget Everything You Know About Making Money Online (And Start Making Some)
- A bonus report about building quick and easy membership sites with licensed content.
- A 20-Step Process Map to building an online training business.
- An instructional video that reveals the solution to the “traffic dilemma” every online entrepreneur faces.
- And a complete course listing of the entire Teaching Sells program.
Odds are very high that Teaching Sells will sell out before the official launch ever happens sometime later this week. You could hold out for the next time around. I’m sure there will be one, but it’s not clear when – Teaching Sells was closed to new enrollments for months before this current re-launch. In the meantime, there’s a pretty good chance you are looking for way to add or increase revenue.
Seems crazy not to at least check it out, eh?
[…] time – as this passage suggests – but relatively few organizations embrace the “teaching sells” approach in a wholehearted and sophisticated […]