One thing that is remarkable about blogging is that pretty much anyone can do it. Just go to or Blogger, set up a free account, and start writing.
And pretty much anyone can post a document to share or sell using a service like Scribd…
…or a video using YouTube or a service like MindBites
…or set up an AdWords account,
…or even outsource production of a product or delivery of a service.
And have you noticed how easy – and increasingly less costly – it is these days to set up a corporation and offload any number of the rote administrative and technical tasks that go with running a business?
It’s easy. Pretty much anyone can do it.
Of course, when anyone can do it, it is going to take either
… a groundbreaking idea
… an unusual amount of luck,
… or a heckuva a lot of work
… for any single individual or organization to stand out. And I think that is increasingly true even in relatively niche markets.
Really, “a heckuva a lot of work” is the only option over which most of us have a consistent degree of control. So how do you focus your time and efforts to get the most return for each hour and dollar invested?
Funny, it’s the same old question. And it has always been a hard one to answer. It’s just gotten much, much easier for many, many more people to have the opportunity to ask it.
Jeff Cobb
Hedgehog & Fox
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